
1岁男宝宝的头围多少算正常值No smoking

5月份新密天气案 No swimming!禁止游泳! No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No parking! 禁止停车!

19个月宝宝食烧吃什么药案 To you and your family's health, please do not smoke!为了你和家人的健康,请不要吸烟!

普洱有什么好玩的案 1、远离烟草,崇尚健康,爱护环境。 Stay away from tobacco, advocate healthy, care for the environment. 2、生命只有一次,怎能断送在香烟上? Life only have once, how

2015年11月28号出生是什么星座的案 回头帮你找找看吧,刚才好不容易看到一篇和禁烟有关的英语资料,居然的都和吸烟有关,而和控烟无关,真是郁闷 NO SMOKING 禁止吸烟/严禁吸烟/请勿吸烟

历史上北京的气候好吗案 Smoking is bad for human health. It may cause all kinds of diseases. It also make people feel terrible. Smoking people also do harm to non-smokers. In order to live a healthy

李煜出名诗词案 Just dying while smoking.

动物园到丁桥的公交车案 你好!先给你临时提供几句 Smoking is harmful to the health of all your family members ! Pay attention to your children when you smoke ! Smoking destroy your health !

涡阳县二月份天气情况案 如果是写成广告挂在墙上的话No Smoking 如果是交谈中使用的话Please don't smoke in the house.(语气生硬,态度严肃) Would you mind not smoking in the house

